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Why is the sky blue?

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If you know the answer without looking it up then you and
I are brothers (or sisters) and you deserve a deal!!!

In my youth I was an infantryman with the 503rd. We deployed from South Korea to Ramadi Iraq in 2004. It was an absolutely ridiculous and crazy experience and I think anybody who was in Iraq then and spent a lot of time outside the wire would agree. Almost a decade and a half later I deployed as a flight medic to the Middle East again and flew MEDEVAC into Syria from Jordan. It was also a very unique experience. I am thankful for both of them. Last year I changed branches and joined the Air National Guard as a radio far so good! All that to say....every unit shirt I have I will hold onto until the day I die. They are sentimental and fun to wear. I would love the opportunity to serve my fellow brothers and sisters in arms. That extends to any police/fire/EMS/nurse as well.

I would love to print your shirts, hoodies, and/or ranger panties!!!

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Resources for military / first responders

Suicide Prevention

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 
    1-800-273-8255 (24/7)

  • 22 Until None
    866-254-9961 (24/7 Lifeline)

Veterans Crisis Line

  • Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1

Fallen First Responder Support

Support for Gold Star and Military Families

Blue Sky Print Company Est. 2018

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